How long do reed diffusers last?

Reed diffusers are a fantastic way of adding a constant fragrance to our living spaces. In this blog post, we'll break down some factors that can influence their lifespan and provide a few tips that can maximise their longevity.

Reed diffusers typically consist of a fragrance oil, reeds, and a decorative bottle. The fragrance oil travels up the reeds, evaporating as it does so, releasing a consistent scent into the air. We've found, through testing many different diffusers throughout the years, that they can last anywhere between a few weeks and a couple of months. With this in mind there are a few factors that can really alter the longevity of a reed diffuser, these are:

Diffuser Size

The size of the reed diffuser plays tremendous role in determining how long it will last. Larger diffusers typically contain more fragrance oil and, therefore, last longer than smaller ones.

Quality of Ingredients

The quality of the fragrance oil used in the reed diffuser has a big impact of performance. Higher-quality oils tend to evaporate more slowly, resulting in a longer-lasting scent. When choosing a reed diffuser, opt for one with a high-quality, well-formulated fragrance.

Room Conditions

The conditions of the room where the reed diffuser is placed can also play a role in its lifespan. Things such as temperature and airflow can affect the rate at which the fragrance oil evaporates. Placing diffusers away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures can really help extend their life.

Number of Reeds

The number of reeds in the diffuser can also influence the intensity of the fragrance and its lifespan. More reeds typically lead to a stronger scent but may also cause the oil to evaporate more quickly. Adjusting the number of reeds can help balance the desired fragrance level with longevity.

After breaking all of these factors down, here are our top tips for extending the life of you reed diffuser:

Rotate the Reeds

To prevent the reeds from becoming saturated and losing their effectiveness, we'd advise to flip them every few days. This helps distribute the fragrance evenly and refreshes the scent in the room.

Adjust the Number of Reeds

Experiment with the number of reeds in the diffuser to find the right balance for your room. Using fewer reeds can slow down the evaporation process and extend the overall lifespan of the diffuser.

Store Unused Diffusers Properly

If you have multiple reed diffusers or wish to save one for later use, store it in a cool, dark place with its lid securely fastened. This helps preserve the fragrance oil until you decide to use it.

Reed diffusers are a great way to enjoy a continuous fragrance in your home. By understanding the factors that can influence their longevity and implementing some of our simple tips to enhance this, you can extend the life of your reed diffusers and really make the most out of them. If you have any questions please leave a comment below or get in touch with us at

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